
About OLAC

The Latin America - China Observatory of UBA is a place for research, publication, communication and counseling regarding the bi-regional agenda of Sino-Latin American cooperation and the policies for the development based on Science, Technology and Innovation.

About OLAC

The Latin America - China Observatory at UBA is a space for research, publication, communication, and advisory on the bi-regional cooperation agenda between China and Latin America and the development policies based on Science, Technology, and Innovation.

What do we seek?

OLAC seeks to contribute to the construction of the regional agenda for the sustainable development within the framework of the liaison with China and BRICS+. For that purpose, we focus on identifying and analyzing cooperation frameworks in strategic sectors for the national and regional development, proposing strategies for a mutually beneficial relationship.

Along with this, we concentrate on analyzing the path of Chinese modernization, looking into how this process has managed to close technological gaps with developed countries.

Based on this, OLAC proposes:

Generate specialized publications and dissemination reports.
Gather specialized researchers.
Establish itself as a regional hub in the research agenda on Latin America-China cooperation.
Promote discussion on economic development based on science, technology, and innovation.
Advise and inform institutions and public policy makers on the subject.
Encourage and collaborate in the establishment of cooperative economic, technological and cultural ties between both regions.

Starting point

OLAC, its mission and objectives arise from a balance about the global context, the status of public policies for the development in the region and the growing relations with China within this framework.

The global context demands cooperation and sustainable development policies

The region lacks its own agenda of policies for the development

Understanding Chinese modernization can enrich our approach

The role of policies based on STI

Cooperation ties are increasing; it is necessary a long-term agenda